Every Girl Deserves a Chance at Life
In Canada, girls are aborted at a higher rate than boys.
But Canadians do not support sex selective abortion.
The Assisted Human Reproduction Act recognizes the inherent inequality of sex selection and has banned sex selection for in vitro fertilization (IVF). Yet that same embryo can implant in the womb, grow and develop normally, and then be aborted later in the pregnancy based on its sex.
We need an abortion law that is in line with Canada’s assisted reproduction law - a law that says a pre-born child cannot be aborted because of his or her sex.
In February 2020, Member of Parliament Cathay Wagantall introduced Bill C-233, the Sex Selective Abortion Act, to address this injustice. On June 2, 2021, Parliament voted against the bill in a vote of 248 – 82. Out of fear of reopening the abortion debate, the government continues to let this affront to equality slide.
Parliament needs to hear from Canadians that we do not support the use of abortion for sex selection.
You can get involved to end this practice in Canada.
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Standing up for the rights of women starts with standing up for their right to be born.
In Canada, and around the world, girls are aborted at a higher rate than boys. In a country that claims to value equality, this is unacceptable. All people have equal value, regardless of their gender, and we need to recognize this from the earliest stages of life.
Ultrasound technology gives us an incredible window into the womb. Unfortunately, it also allows parents with a sex preference to end a pre-born child’s life based on their sex.